pathos.helpers module documentation

mp_helper module

map helper functions


sets the seed for calls to ‘random()’

random_state(module='random', new=False, seed='!')

return a (optionally manually seeded) random generator

For a given module, return an object that has random number generation (RNG) methods available. If new=False, use the global copy of the RNG object. If seed=’!’, do not reseed the RNG (using seed=None ‘removes’ any seeding). If seed=’*’, use a seed that depends on the process id (PID); this is useful for building RNGs that are different across multiple threads or processes.


decorator to convert a many-arg function to a single-arg function

pp_helper module

class ApplyResult(task)

Bases: _Task

result object for an ‘apply’ method in parallelpython

enables a pp._Task to mimic the multiprocessing.pool.ApplyResult interface

Initializes the task


Retrieves result of the task


Unpickles the result of the task

property callback
property callbackargs

Finalizes the task *internal use only*

property finished

Retrieves result of the task

property group
property lock

Checks if the result is ready

property server

Measures whether result is ready and loaded w/o printing

property tid

Waits for the task

class MapResult(size, callback=None, callbackargs=(), group='default')

Bases: object


Retrieve the results of the tasks


Unpickles the results of the tasks

_set(i, task)

finalize the tasks *internal use only*


Retrieves results of the tasks


Fill the MapResult with ApplyResult objects


Checks if the result is ready


Measures whether result is ready and loaded w/o printing


Wait for the tasks

class Server(ncpus='autodetect', ppservers=(), secret=None, restart=False, proto=2, socket_timeout=3600)

Bases: object

Parallel Python SMP execution server class

Creates Server instance

ncpus - the number of worker processes to start on the local computer, if parameter is omitted it will be set to the number of processors in the system ppservers - list of active parallel python execution servers to connect with secret - passphrase for network connections, if omitted a default passphrase will be used. It’s highly recommended to use a custom passphrase for all network connections. restart - restart the worker process after each task completion proto - protocol number for pickle module socket_timeout - socket timeout in seconds, which is the maximum time a remote job could be executed. Increase this value if you have long running jobs or decrease if connectivity to remote ppservers is often lost.

With ncpus = 1 all tasks are executed consequently. For the best performance either use the default “autodetect” value or set ncpus to the total number of processors in the system.


Updates the number of active tasks


Connects to all remote ppservers


Detects the number of effective CPUs in the system

__dumpsfunc(funcs, modules)

Serializes functions and modules

__find_modules(prefix, dict)

recursively finds all the modules in dict


Generates a unique job ID number


Fetches source of the function


Schedules jobs for execution


Increments job count on the node

__stat_add_time(node, time_add)

Updates total runtime on the node

__update_active_rworkers(id, count)

Updates list of active rworkers

_run_local(job, sfunc, sargs, worker)

Runs a job locally

_run_remote(job, sfunc, sargs, rworker)

Runs a job remotelly

connect1(host, port, persistent=True)

Conects to a remote ppserver specified by host and port

default_port = 60000
default_secret = 'epo20pdosl;dksldkmm'

Kills ppworkers and closes open files


Returns active nodes as a dictionary [keys - nodes, values - ncpus]


Returns the number of local worker processes (ppworkers)


Returns job execution statistics as a dictionary

insert(sfunc, sargs, task=None)

Inserts function into the execution queue. It’s intended for internal use only (in ppserver).


Prints job execution statistics. Useful for benchmarking on clusters


Sets the number of local worker processes (ppworkers)

ncpus - the number of worker processes, if parammeter is omitted

it will be set to the number of processors in the system

submit(func, args=(), depfuncs=(), modules=(), callback=None, callbackargs=(), group='default', globals=None)

Submits function to the execution queue

func - function to be executed args - tuple with arguments of the ‘func’ depfuncs - tuple with functions which might be called from ‘func’ modules - tuple with module names to import callback - function which will be called with argument list equal to callbackargs+(result,) as soon as calculation is done callbackargs - additional arguments for callback function group - job group, is used when wait(group) is called to wait for jobs in a given group to finish globals - dictionary from which all modules, functions and classes will be imported, for instance: globals=globals()


Waits for all jobs in a given group to finish. If group is omitted waits for all jobs to finish

exception TimeoutError

Bases: ProcessError


alias of ApplyResult


alias of MapResult

class _Task(server, tid, callback=None, callbackargs=(), group='default')

Bases: object

Class describing single task (job)

Initializes the task


Unpickles the result of the task


Retrieves result of the task


Finalizes the task.

For internal use only


Waits for the task